AnalyticMath 1.1.3

Demo Now Available
AnalyticMath is a FREE, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, etc.) mathematics / plotting program with a powerful editor and integrated ‘auto-calc’ features that will help you develop and visually analyse mathematical expressions quickly and easily. The program is intuitive, simple to use, and suitable for everyone from students to theoretical physicists.
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See Download Page
AnalyticMath was developed in order to make available a FREE, but powerful analytical tool, capable of performing CAD-type mathematical calculations as well as providing unique and analytically useful plotting / graphing visualizations of functional expressions. You can download a copy of AnalyticMath that will run on your operating system. The program is FREE and FULLY FUNCTIONAL.

To learn more about how AnalyticMath works and what it is capable of, take a look at these
For Windows
Demo program available
This is a very quick way to learn the basics of the AnalyticMath – see the Download page – its FREE.